1. Definitions

“Vivya Digital Consultant” means the software, website and app, and physical products and is operated by Hemas Manufacturing Pvt Ltd. (“Provider”). The Platform software, website and app is and developed and hosted by USP Solutions Corporation (“USP Solutions”).

“Participating Organizations” means partners, distributors, retailers, manufacturers, consultants, clinics, institutions and other entities formally engaged in business relationship with the Provider. “User”, “you” or “your” means anyone accessing, browsing, using or registering for an account on the Platform software or the application or using Vivya physical products or services.

2. Description of Platform

The purpose of Platform is to support precision skincare and cosmetic product recommendations. As Platform User, you may be using the Platform to learn about your own skin or other physical medical tests you may require or you may be seeking information or recommendations for existing skincare and cosmetic products on market via the software, website and app.

3. Collection

Hemas Manufacturing Pvt Ltd and/or USP Solutions Corporation (“we” or “us”) gathers various information about Users of the Platform including but not limited on the the Digital Skin Consultant software, app or website. This information includes: (a) personal information, provided through voluntary registration; (b) personal information regarding your use of the Platform, including but not limited to the identity of people who you are contacting within the Digital Skin Consultant community via the Website or app and the content of any messages that you send to another person using the Website or app; (c) personal information, provided to us by you through any other method (including without limitation correspondence and discussions); (d) personal information collected by us through click tracking in relation to your use of the Website or app, including the content you access; (e) aggregated data, which tracks traffic to the Website or app or affiliate links; and (f) cookies, which are pieces of information transferred to your computer hard drive for record keeping; (g) collection of data as it pertains to results of physical tests; (h) collection of data as it pertains to voluntary survey participation. You further authorize us to collect personal information about you from any public source. The personal information collected will be held by us or on our behalf by such other agent as we may appoint from time to time.

4. Purposes and Use

The personal information you provide will be used for the following purposes: (a) verification of your identity and assisting you in case you forget your password or login details for use of the Website; (b) to allow you to use the Website and to match you with recommended products, routines or providers; (c) to match you with other users within the Digital Skin Consultant community on the Website or app; (d) to provide you with further information about the Website or app or other services offered by us or which we consider may be of interest to you; (e) to keep the Website or app relevant and of interest to Users; (f) to respond to any requests for information according to applicable laws; (g) to investigate any complaints relating to misuse of the Website or app or misconduct in relation to the Platform and to take any action we deem necessary to protect the safety of yourself and others in relation to those complaints; (h) to develop new products and services and maintain/improve quality of existing products and services and (i) analyses in de-identified form (identifiable characteristics removed so that you will remain anonymous).

5. Disclosure

You agree that Digital Skin Consultant or USP Solutions Corporation or Hemas Manufacturing (Private) Limited may disclose:

  1. personal information which is required to be disclosed by any applicable law, rule, requirement or official request of any regulatory or governmental authority.

With the exception of disclosures listed inabove Digital Skin Consultant or USP Solutions Corp. will not share or sell any personal information about you to outside entities. We may disclose aggregate information and other information that does not personally identify you to such third parties as we may see fit.

6. Consequences of non-provision of information

Failure to provide necessary personal information requested at the time of registration for or use of the Website or app may result in certain services not being available to you.

7. Security

We are committed to your privacy and strive to protect the personal and confidential information of those who use our Digital Skin Care Consultant. However, as no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit or receive through the Digital Skin Care Consultant . These activities are conducted at your own risk.

The Users have carefully read though and knowingly and expressly consent to the foregoing terms and conditions.